, pub-7505061739824126, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Digital Marketing: Node.JS - Dynamically Faster than Javascript for Backend Execution

Thursday 23 June 2016

Node.JS - Dynamically Faster than Javascript for Backend Execution

Node.JS, a non-blocking I/O mode, is a highly scalable server-side platform for Web applications with many input/output operations and for real-time Web applications like real-time communication programs and browser games. Node.JS is used in applications which works on modules like chat, data streaming, proxy, API on top of an object database, etc. Architects choose Node.JS as their first preference because of its significant features like:-

  • Asynchronous and Event Driven
  • Very Fast
  • Single Threaded but Highly Scalable
  • No Buffering

LetsNurture has developed applications and websites with Node.JS like Emacs a solution that help patients and doctors to keep a tab over video calls. Node.JS keeps the sync between data of server, website and mobile app.

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