, pub-7505061739824126, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Digital Marketing: IoT Messaging for Real-time Applications with Wia API

Thursday, 20 April 2017

IoT Messaging for Real-time Applications with Wia API

In this world of technology, whatever we are using can be turned smart. Gone are the days when we had to manually operate things that we are using in our lives. Internet of Things has evolved with this concept of connecting everyday smart devices like TV, Mobile phones, refrigerator, watches, etc.

With the connection of many devices, there comes the transferring and receiving of the data from one device to the other. In the emerging applications, sensors are placed in the device for collecting data from one device and sends it to the Cloud for analysis.

The Cloud for IoT is as important as brain is there for the human body. As a result, we can say that cloud has become a scalable and powerful backend for the IoT which makes reliable cloud computing more and more essential at any place.

Wia provides a robust cloud platform for efficient IoT management. It is predicted to be the power of the Internet of Things by enabling devices to communicate with each other in a better and efficient way. What Wia do is just helps with the messy cloud infrastructure and give exposure to the globally available cloud API that developers can interact with for developing complex but intelligent applications.

Wia provides simple APIs to the developers round the world to create the applications in no time, without any extensive knowledge of the underlying infrastructure.

Some of the principal features that Wia platform provide are as follows :

  • Device management, including device creation, retrieval, deletion, etc.
  • Events and logs handling, including publishing an event/log and subscribing/ unsubscribing to/ from events/logs.
  • Analytics, which make it possible to track any data point in real time.
  • Push notifications

Why Wia is better than other platforms?

Wia provides the full-stack, out-of-the-box. It provides developers with all the software that is needed for their device applications, the cloud endpoint to connect and the libraries needed to build their own dashboard and mobile app experiences.
Wia make all these features available with the use of an easy REST API. Moreover,  Wia also offers a very lightweight messaging protocol - MQTT to the developers who wants to stream events and logs. For using the minimum of the data, Wia has also designed for communication between clients and the backend.                

Wia platform supports the open source libraries like Node.JS and iOS and other most popular web technologies. Wia is the only platform for real-time IoT applications whose features makes excellent for any company in need of a backend for their IoT devices.

We have a team of expertise who can help you with your customized real-time IoT applications with the help of Wia application. You can write us and receive a free quote for the same.

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